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Moment can provide any and all structural engineering services, and would love to hear about your project.

Transparency in pricing and deliverables is key, so being as upfront as possible at the beginning, and as the project is delivered, is how we like to work. Pricing is on a project by project basis due to the many variables and complexities involved in engineering. Having said that, some of the types of work we can assist with, and the likely order of costs, are set out below.

Setting up Moment comes from a desire to work with and develop partnerships with clients and the rest of the project team. There's value in having an established team and ongoing relationship, which can be reflected in pricing for ongoing and additional projects.

Initial phone call
- Free! I encourage you to pick up the phone and call, or send an email. We are available for work across New Zealand.

New Building Design
- Varies with type of building (commercial/residential) and complexity.
- Best to discuss early, but could be from $3,000 for a house, going up based on the size and height of the building, where it is, and what it will be used for.

House Alteration Design
- From $1,000 - $5,000 for bracing designs, new steel beams/portal frames to create open plan spaces and minor modifications (or additions) to existing foundations.

Initial Seismic Assessment (ISA)
- In Christchurch these have recently become much more common, following the addition of an advisory note to the LIMs of residential units. Navigate to the ISA tab on the website via this link for more information.

Detailed Seismic Assessment (DSA)
- These have been a specialty over the past few years. Moment knows what to look for, and can guide you through the process. From record searches, site confirmation of details, reporting and recommendations, we can do it all.
- From $5,000 upwards, based on the level of detail available and the complexity of the building.

Strengthening Design
- This flows from the outcome of any assessments, and the desired level of strengthening in terms of a %NBS rating. This is not possible to estimate prior to completion of the assessment, but based on a desktop review of existing documentation and a site visit we will be able to confirm presence of the common building and design flaws (unsupported precast / poorly detailed parapets / brittle connection details).
- When an assessment was carried out by another Engineer, it may be possible to complete the design, but Moment may need a separate engagement to confirm the accuracy of the assessment prior to any strengthening design.

Structural Peer Review (PS2)
- Typically we would carry this out on a time and expense basis, with an agreed number of back and forth rounds of reviews with the design engineer. Moment takes the view that a collaborative and constructive reviewer can smoothen this process and achieve the best result for all parties.

Construction Site Monitoring (Christchurch)
- For Moment projects we will provide a flat rate for visits.
- Moment is available to carry out site monitoring as required as a third party. Rates for this would typically be on a time and expense basis.

Construction Site Monitoring (elsewhere in NZ)

- As for Christchurch sites, Moment can provide a flat rate or T&E rate as preferred.

Other Services
Structural Drafting
- Moment has access to third party drafters based in Christchurch to carry out this service as required.

Moment is well connected in the industry so can recommend other project partners if they're more appropriate, or if the project demands multiple professionals on the job.

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